Bronze statue signed A Nelson and marble pedestal

style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century

style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century
style Bronze statue and marble pedestal in Bronze and marble, Belgium 19th century

Bronze  45 cm w x 62 cm t x 32 cm d

pedestal 30 cm x 30 cm x 115 cm t

total height 177 cm

De Houtroos BVBA
Oudenaardsesteenweg 893 9420 Erpe-Mere, Belgium
+32 (0)53 63 07 88 +32 (0)475 44 95 69